
Annan Retina Eye Center

Annan Retina Eye Center is an eye care specialist who handles several retina-related conditions. As a healthcare practice, this project required considering a patent portal for self-service while maintaining HIIPA compliance. Because the practice was newly formed, it had no existing web presence.

Annan Retina Eye Center | Website Development | LCMS Digital Solutions

About The Project

LCMS worked with the center to create a comprehensive website that covered everything Dr. Annan needed and nothing he didn’t to keep the project budget friendly. Patients can download necessary forms from their website, request appointments, and even pay bills.

About The Project

Services Provided

  1. Custom website design
  2. Content Writing
  3. Website builder setup and development
  4. Cloud service integration
  5. Email service setup
  6. Support with HIPPA compliance
  7. Search engine optimization

Quick Summary

Seeing is Believing: Annan Retina Eye Center's New Website

Annan Retina Eye Center is proud to have a site that clearly lays out its services, allows for patient self-service, and represents its practice in a clean and professional design. A secure patient portal gives a competitive advantage, and the mobile-friendly design means patients can access their information - even on the go.

Quick Summary

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