
How Do People Find Websites Online?

Where's Your Website? Unveiling 10 Strategies to Improve Your Online Presence!

By Kristin / September 12, 2023
Blog - How Do People Find Websites Online? | LCMS Digital Solutions

You've just invested a hefty sum in creating a sleek, state-of-the-art website for your business. You gaze at the stunning visuals, the intuitive design, the perfect representation of your brand. Yet, your excitement quickly gives way to a gnawing question: How will people find it? It's like you've built a beautiful oasis in the middle of a desert, but you're unsure how to guide thirsty travelers to it.

Don't worry; you're not alone.

Countless business owners share your plight, and that's exactly why we're here. In this article, we'll take you through 10 popular strategies you can implement to attract visitors to your website, converting that trickle of guests into a torrent of engaged customers.

From the power of SEO to the hidden gems of community engagement—let's get you some traffic.

SEO: The Behind-the-Scenes Maestro of Online Success

Think of Search Engine Optimization as the backbone that holds up your digital marketing strategy. It's what helps your website show up in search engine results, getting more eyeballs and, ideally, clicks from people who are actually interested in what you offer.

  1. Beginner Tip: Start with keyword research to know what your audience is searching for. Optimize your website's meta descriptions and headers to include these keywords.
  2. Advanced Tip: Regularly monitor your site's SEO performance with tools like Google Analytics and Moz. Pay attention to your site's backlink profile and remove or disavow low-quality links.

SEM: Your Fast-Track to Visibility

While SEO is a long-term play, Search Engine Marketing (or SEM) is your sprinter on the track. It's all about paid strategies like Google AdWords that make your site instantly visible to people searching for specific keywords. It's like renting a prime billboard in the digital world.

  1. Beginner Tip: Familiarize yourself with Google AdWords. Start by bidding on less competitive keywords.
  2. Advanced Tip: Use a Negative Keyword List to avoid irrelevant traffic. Optimize landing pages for each specific ad for better conversion rates.

Google My Business: The Freebie We All Need

On the topic of free stuff, don't overlook Google My Business. It's an easy way to manage how your business appears on Google Search and Maps. In other words, it helps people find you, literally and figuratively.

  1. Beginner Tip: Claim your business listing and make sure all the information like address, phone number, and business hours are correct.
  2. Advanced Tip: Use Google My Business Insights to understand how people are finding you and what they are looking for.

Social Media: The Digital Cocktail Party

If you're looking to mingle and engage with your audience, social media is your go-to place. Share cool content, chat with your followers, and you'll see not just likes and shares but also more clicks back to your site.

  1. Beginner Tip: Identify the platforms most frequented by your target audience. Consistency is key, so keep your posting schedule regular.
  2. Advanced Tip: Use social media management tools for scheduling and analytics. Also, consider influencer partnerships to widen your reach.
Social Media: The Digital Cocktail Party

Email Marketing—Like Pen Pals, But Better

Email marketing is your direct line to your audience. Think newsletters, special offers, and personalized notes that encourage people to check out your latest offerings. It's like sending out invites to an exclusive event—people are more likely to show up.

  1. Beginner Tip: Start with a simple newsletter. Make sure you have a clear call to action.
  2. Advanced Tip: Implement automation sequences based on user behavior, like abandoned cart emails, to increase conversion rates.

Guest Blogging: A Win-Win for Everyone

Want to keep your content fresh and reach new audiences at the same time? Invite experts in your field to write guest posts. They get to showcase their knowledge, you get quality content, and your audience gets more viewpoints. It's a win-win-win!

  1. Beginner Tip: Identify reputable sites in your industry willing to accept guest posts. Ensure your content is of high quality and offers real value.
  2. Advanced Tip: Use guest blogging as a part of your larger SEO strategy by focusing on sites that allow do-follow backlinks.

Online Review Sites: Where Reputation Meets Reality

Don't underestimate the power of a good (or bad) review. Having a solid presence on review sites can not only boost your credibility but also lead more curious customers right to your doorstep, digitally speaking.

  1. Beginner Tip: Claim your business profiles on major review sites like Yelp and Google Reviews. Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews.
  2. Advanced Tip: Integrate top reviews into your website. Monitor review sites using tools to manage your online reputation.

Paid Advertising: Targeted and Timely

If you're looking to get right in front of a specific group of people, paid ads can get you there, fast. Platforms like Google Adsense and Facebook Ads let you get super specific about who sees your ads. It's like sending a personal invitation to the right people.

  1. Beginner Tip: Start with a small budget to test the waters. Focus on one platform initially.
  2. Advanced Tip: Use lookalike audiences to target users similar to your existing customers.

Referral and Affiliate Programs: Your Fans Can Be Your Marketers

You can also incentivize your loyal customers or partners to bring in new business. Referral and affiliate programs are a great way to reward those who sing your praises, and they expand your reach at the same time.

  1. Beginner Tip: Offer a simple and straightforward referral program. Make it easy for customers to share referral codes.
  2. Advanced Tip: Customize the program based on customer behavior. Consider tiered rewards to encourage more referrals.

Community Engagement: Be Part of the Conversation

Jumping into online forums or industry-specific communities can build your authority and help you understand what your audience is truly interested in. Think of it as networking in the digital age.

  1. Beginner Tip: Choose relevant forums or online communities to participate in. Start by offering value without promoting your business.
  2. Advanced Tip: Use community insights for market research and product development.

Your Blueprint for Online Success

And now, one last universal tip that ties all these strategies together: Keep Your Information Updated and Review Strategies Regularly. Both businesses and the digital landscape change frequently. What worked today may not necessarily work tomorrow. Consistency and up-to-date information across all platforms not only boosts your credibility but also enhances your visibility in this ever-changing digital world.

Your website is more than just eye candy—it's your digital handshake, your online business card, and often the very first impression you make on potential customers. We've given you the tools and tips to navigate through the complexities of the online world and lead those in search of what you offer straight to your doorstep.

So, are you ready to transform your hidden gem of a website into a bustling marketplace? The path ahead is more navigable than you might think, and we're here to help illuminate the way. If the journey seems daunting, or you're looking to accelerate the process, don't hesitate to reach out. From web design and development to SEO, SEM, and social media strategies, LCMS Digital Solutions has the expertise to turn your digital aspirations into reality.

Let's take that first step together. Contact us today!