
Eichner Realty

Solely-owned Eichner Realty came to LCMS after their existing website had been hacked. The owner, Adam Eichner, could not access his site or any of the data. Being a realtor - he knew he couldn't go long without an online presence.

Eichner Realty | Website Development | LCMS Digital Solutions

About The Project

LCMS worked with Eichner to understand the features and tools the new site would need to represent a professional realtor best. They incorporated IDX integration, allowing MLS listings to be shown directly on his site.

About The Project

Services Provided

  1. Custom website design
  2. Website and reusable components development
  3. Plugin installation and styling
  4. Third party service integration
  5. Hosting migration

Quick Summary

Unlocking the Door to Eichner Realty's Online Presence

Eichner is thrilled to have his online presence back and was happy with the ease of working with LCMS. He’s able to display his active listings with little work - and his new site allows him to direct potential clients to a site where they can easily see he is a true professional!

Quick Summary

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